
ASY-PLN Pylon Series

ASY-TAE Positioners Series

Product Description

ASY-PLN pylon series design is based on a longitudinal axis inclined at an angle of 60° toward the RF source while leading and trailing edges have angles of 55° and 65° respectively. Horizontal cross section is a 4/1 ogive standard design. The pylon constructive design is based on a tubular framework, to ensure stiffness and robustness, with ogive-shape frames attached to the framework and covered with stainless steel sheet. The final machining and polishing treatment ensure a surface smoothness better than 1.8 microns. Edge sharpness is better than 0.15mm, and typically 0.1mm.

The pylon alignment and orientation during the installation is ensured by Laser Tracker alignment, together with the usage of levelling wedges with micrometric screws that allow correction in the vertical axis as well as adaptation to floor roughness.

Pylon top can be equipped either with calibration tip or positioner. Single azimuth or azimuth-over elevation positioners can be configured, with low profile option (100 and 250 kg) or high load option (500 and 1.000kg). Moving mechanisms remain hidden inside the pylon (low profile option) or in the radome below turntable (high load option)

ASY-PNL Series is fully compatible with ASYSOL Elevator & Pick-up positioners, with allows automated folding and parking of pylon in multipurpose reconfigurable facilities.

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ASY-PLN Specifications

Maxi load [kg] 500 1,000
Bending moment [mN] 800 1,600
Leading edge radius [mm] 0.1 0.1
Surface finish [μm] 1.8 1.8
Approximate weight [kg] 320 550
Elevation delivered torque [mN] 80 450 800 1,600
Azimuth delivered torque [mN] 20 100 200 400
Elevation speed [°/s] 6 6 6 6
Azimuth speed [°/s] 15 10 6 6
Mechanical backlash [°] 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Elevation travel [°] -40/+5 -40/+5 -40/+5 -40/+5
Azimuth travel [°] Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous
Maximum load [kg] 100 250 500 1000
Mounted positioner weight [kg] 20 30 50 70

*ASYSOL reserves the right to make changes at any time to the specification of the Products, provided such changes do not materially affect the installation or performance