Antenna Systems Solutions attends the EEPSRC Strategic Infrastructure Millimeter-Wave Anechoic Chamber, at the University of Birmingham

On the 18th of December 2024, Antenna Systems Solutions (ASYSOL) had the opportunity to attend the opening of the EPSRC Strategic Infrastructure Millimeter-Wave Anechoic Chamber, at the University of Birmingham. This event was of great importance, as the system installed was very special: it was a 3-in-1 integrated measurement environment that supports advanced…

Antenna Systems Solutions (ASYSOL) and Next Phase Measurements (NPM) at AMTA 2024

It has been so exciting to attend #AMTA2024 which took place in Cincinnati, Ohio, 27th October – 1st November 2024. We met old friends and made new ones, learned from the experts, and got updated on the latest research in the field of antenna measurements, we also presented two papers with our latest…

Next Phase Measurements (NPM) and Antenna Systems (ASYSOL) will be exhibiting at AMTA 2023

ASYSOL and NPM will be exhibiting at the 45th Annual Meeting and Symposium of the AMTA in Seattle. Drop by our joint booth and have a chat with us about our latest products and services; one of the highlights will be our latest 5G Ready Compact Range Antenna Systems.

Innovation Checks

Aid granted by the Government of Cantabria in the call for Innovation Checks (REACT-EU), financed with resources from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the ERDF Operational Program 2014-2020 of Cantabria. This aid has enabled the company to establish an investment plan to adapt teleworking in the different jobs that the company…

Next Phase Measurements Exhibiting at AMTA 2019

NPM will be exhibiting at the 41st​ ​Annual​ ​Meeting​ ​and​ ​Symposium​ ​of​ ​the​ ​ AMTA in San Diego. Drop by and have a chat with us about our latest products and services; one of the highlights will be our latest 5G Ready Compact Range Antenna Systems.

ASYSOL to supply Millimetre wave system to Chalmers University (Sweden)

ASYSOL is pleased to share news it has been selected to supply a new customer, Chalmers University, Sweden, with a first class Millimetre wave measurement system capable of measurements up to 300GHz including 5G testing. The range will be configured to allow the customer to perform Compact Antenna and Spherical near-field measurements.

Next Phase Measurements (NPM) as its distributor in North and South America

Today, during AMTA 2018, ASYSOL has announced its appointment of Next Phase Measurements (NPM) as its distributor in North and South America.  NPM is a California-based US company and has a management team of pioneers in the industry, with over 100 man-years of experience in antenna measurements.

CTG companies collaborate for ESA Industry Space Days Event

At the recent ISD 2018 CTG companies C-STS, Callisto, TTI and ASYSOL collaborated on their exhibition presence across the two day event. The Group presented the new Modems programs for multi-constellations, multi-functional datalink, an innovative e-Scan BFN antenna for multi-satellite tracking and the GaN SSPA and LNA Cryogenics for the next generation of…

ASYSOL Appoints AR France as a Distributor for France

ASYSOL, a leading supplier of antenna measurement systems to the worldwide satellite, defence, wireless and government markets announced today that it has appointed AR France as a distributor for France.

ASYSOL Appoints Scientific Devices as a Distributor for Australia and New Zealand

ASYSOL announced today that it has appointed Scientific Devices as its distributor in Australia and New Zealand.  The agreement includes distribution of electromagnetic metrology equipment, upgrades and spare parts. Under the agreement Scientific Devices will also become the primary provider of service and application support in the covered regions.